1 Friend
Dedicated to my number one friend Jose
1 Friend 1 man, 1 Boy
1 Woman, 1 Girl whatever you call it it's
still a friend. Sometimes it can be more than a friend.
My Shadow, my hopes, my thoughts and my dreams;
the glory I have for my friends is unspeakable.
Pets, plants, they all can be my friends.
Books and pictures alike all can be my friends.
Respect your friends and they'll respect you.
So make a friend, then be a friend.
Your friends treat you nicely and you
treat them nicely in return.
Sometimes friends will take advantage. They
won't give you any respect.
My respect and my dignity and my brain
all have pieces of my friends.
Play your cards right and even the loneliest person without
a friend could have a friend.
I think it shows friendship in a
special way.
3:24 PM
yeah it does...
1:21 PM
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